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Developing an optimal monitoring program for the Endangered Togean Islands babirusa through the support of citizen scientists

Species: Togean Islands babirusa (Babyrousa togeanensis)

Location: Togean Archipelago, Indonesia

Start Date: April 2022

Major Partners: Togean Islands National Park Agency, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia; Institute for the Implementation of Standards for Environment and Forestry Instrument Makassar (BPSI LHK Makassar), South Sulawesi, Indonesia; Alliance for Tompotika Conservation (AlTo); American Indonesian Cultural & Educational Foundation (AICEF); Zoological Society for the Conservation of Species and Populations (ZGAP); IUCN SOS; The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund; The Rufford


Summary: The Togean babirusa is an endangered species endemic to the Togean Archipelago, Indonesia. The species is among the least studied mammals in Indonesia, and little is known about its ecology and habitat requirements. We aimed to develop a monitoring protocol to detect the babirusa's occupancy trend over time. To achieve this objective, we performed an island-wide camera trapping study to assess the initial occupancy and habitat selection of the species. We then incorporated the results to estimate the required sampling effort to detect occupancy decline when it happens. To support the babirusa monitoring, we trained locals and national park wardens to perform the monitoring protocol and donated camera traps and GPS.


WPSG Member Contact: Agus Jati (;


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