Sulawesi warty pig
Sus celebensis
Status: Near Threatened
Did you know? Beside the Eurasian wild boar (S. scrofa), the Sulawesi warty pig is the only other pig species that was successfully domesticated.
Generally found in a variety of habitats on the islands of Indonesia, including rainforests, swamps, high grassland terrains and agricultural areas from sea level to up to 2300 m, but they prefer valleys.
Relatively diverse, including roots, fallen fruit, leaves and young shoots, as well as invertebrates, small vertebrates and carrion.
Various reports suggest that this species is either solitary or lives in small groups of 2 to 9 individuals, generally constituted of 1–3 young, 1–2 subadults and 1–3 adults. Little information is available regarding their home ranges and activity patterns, but they seem to be primarily diurnal, and their density seems to be influenced by hunting pressure in different areas.
Vulnerable to habitat loss (e.g. deforestation for timber, conversion to agricultural lands, human settlement expansion), hunting for meat, and hybridisation with domesticated pigs.
Conservation Actions
Although the Sulawesi warty pig lives in protected areas, the species is still facing a significant decline in their wild population. Survey reports suggest that the species is commonly hunted and traded in unprotected areas, as well as in protected areas, making it difficult to keep the hunting rate at sustainable levels.
IUCN WPSG Projects
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